We have always talked about Turkana and Marsabit being the ends of the earth...but now we believe Dadaab is the ends of the earth. Dadbaa is about 400 kilometers from Nairobi. The road to Garrisa is about 3/4 of the way and easy travel with tarmac all the way. But, once you leave Garrisa the travel is on sand through the desert. We passed an UN truck that had tipped over - all of the tents they were carrying to the refugee camp were laying in the sand. We passed many dead animals that had starved to death. It took three hours to travel from Garrisa to Dadaab - seemed longer.
Animals dying along the road from Garissa to Dadaab
There is like a NGO village that has been set-up here in Dadaab. Our main goal after we arrived was to determine a safe place to put up the tent. Security is an issue here so we paid the police to set the tent in a secure area with guards.
Difficult travel from Garissa to Dadaab
It is now early in the morning and we plan to follow the UN trucks to the refugee camps.
We all appreciate the emails we received yesterday and the prayers. I read your messages to the team and it encourages them. We all feel so blessed as we have food, water and shelter just minutes from where hundreds of thousands of people are starving. Our prayers are for the relief agencies here that they can coordinate and mobilize in a way to bring relief to these people.
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