Thursday, July 18

Delivering 1,500 water packs to women most in need

The photos tell the story. The women who live on these islands were amazed that someone had brought them water back packs making their long journey for water much easier.

The PFC staff did a great job reaching these women. The walk through the water is 20 minutes - carrying packs to the women.

Thanks to Greif and PackH20 for making all this possible and to Liz Blake, Habitat for Humanity for introducing PFC to the water packs.


Tuesday, July 9

PFC featured on People in Aid blog

When I was in Kenya last time, Adam Bentham, Communication Director, with People in Aid (an NG0 in England) made a site visit to Partners for Care. Adam loved the mHealth program and the water packs.

He wrote a story about PFC and took some great photos. He posted the story on their blog. We are grateful to Adam for his visit and for the story he wrote.

Here is the link:

I hope you enjoy reading about the organization you support.


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