Today was a special day for the Partners for Care staff. We partnered with Cumberland Cummunity Church to hold a what if? event in Kiserian - about an hour south of Nairobi. Well not exactly an hour. That would be if your van doesn't break down three times on the way! The last time was serious - more than the just push it or put water in the radiator. The Cumberland team was travelling behind us and stopped to pick us and all our equipment to take us to the slum where we would do what if? All 22 of them and the 9 of us had on what if? T-shirts and hats. The Cumberland team is wonderful - 7 worship leaders and musicians and two pastors and the rest willing participates. Their music team and ours integrated easily as they shared the stage.
Their team went deep in to the slum mobilizing asking people to come hear the music, get tested and sign the committment cards. One of the their pastors preached on pure and he message was very well accepted by the people in the crowd. It was a great event with people testing and hundreds signing the committment cards to do their part to create an HIV/Aids free generation.
God was smiling as the what if? team reached out to the people in this slum to save His children for the kingdom. Now for the is once again at the mercy of a mechanic in Kiserian. As the Cumberland's bus was full we are taking other means home. First on foot out of the slum. Then in the back of a pick-up truck (along with a goat), and then a matatu. But, God is good and protecting us. We shall soon be home.
Thankful for reaching the people today with the Cumberland team, Connie
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