Wednesday, April 4

A little about where we are - Marsabit

Marsabit is in the far Northeastern part of Kenya. It is considered arid land. Here are some facts about where we are serving:

Population - 291,166 in the area
Marsabit town population - 60,000
Density per km - 4
Poverty rate - 91.7%
Number with secondary education - 8.9%
Population with electricity - 7.5%
Paved roads - 0%

Marsabit roads

Immunized - 60%
Children born in a health care facility - 17.9%
Can read and write - 26.2%
Annual rainfall - 0%

Marsabit land

The statistics speak for themselves but it doesn't really tell the whole story of what we see and feel when we are here. It is easy to get overwhelmed when you see the poverty, the lack of water, the hard life of so many here. Women walk for MILES for water and firewood. But, Pastor Hirbo is making a difference here - one child, one school, one village at a time.

From Marsabit,

Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry

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